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  • Writer's pictureMarie P.

Cancel Culture - This is Only the Beginning

We're living in an age now where you cannot say anything relating to the truth without triggering or offending someone or some organization. As long as you toe the line, you get to keep your job, your home, your money, and your respectable reputation. But the minute you start talking about the establishment in a negative light or in a manner that doesn't honor the elites who rule everything, then all of a sudden you are branded by the establishment as a criminal, a conspiracy nut, a heretic, a blasphemer. Suddenly, you lose your job, your home, your salary, and of course, your reputation.

This is what the conservatives of the United States of America witnessed on April 24 when popular tv host Tucker Carlson and Fox News "parted ways" after a seven-year relationship. Reaction spread across the political world over this. I for one believe that Fox News fired Tucker, and for one reason: he spoke and aired on mainstream media the truth and the reality of major issues that concern America and the world, including COVID and the vaccines, the US southern border crisis, the Ukraine war, the transgender movement, China, the rise of the digital dollar, and many others.

Another big reason was the transgender movement. Tucker Carlson exposed the satanic agenda of the sadistic, radical trans community that wants to silence and kill Christians for refusing to accept their abominable practices. He openly explained on TV how these radicals believe they are God who can change nature by altering their genders and then demand that everyone worships them and their ideology without question. He also in a way gave glory to God by admitting that there is only one God who alone deserves worship. In this world a person is prohibited from mentioning God or declaring the name of Jesus on the mainstream media. Essentially, Tucker exposed the psychopathic, demonic, antichrist mindset of the far left and for that reason, he was fired by Fox News.

The establishment will not allow anyone, regardless of political, racial, cultural, or religious background, to speak about God on the mainstream media whether it is through television, radio, podcast, or social media. I don't know if Tucker Carlson is a Christian, and the issue here is not about me liking Tucker or whether you or I agree with him or not. This issue, believe it or not, is not solely about Tucker Carlson; it's about suppressing the truth. The elites want to destroy the voice of truth. This is the elites' (the servants of Satan) way of discouraging Christians from standing up and speaking the truth of God to the world publicly. By making an open humiliating show of Carlson's firing, they hope to shut Christians down.

What happened to Tucker was only a foretaste of what all true believers of Jesus Christ will face on a greater scale in the future when the Antichrist swings into power. Christians are naturally hated by the world because we are servants of God. The world we live in is a godless world, ran by a godless being named Satan, who is called the god of this world (see 2 Corinthians 4:4). Satan is the archenemy of God, so as a believer of Jesus Christ, you should expect to receive great hostility from a world that is under the rulership of God's enemy. As a Christian, it shouldn't be a shock to face ridicule, threats, slanders, and mockery from the people of this world. Jesus Himself faced persecution in His days on earth and clearly stated that if they hated Him, they will also hate us.

"If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you." John 15:18

There is coming a time in the not-so-distant future when Christians will face unimaginable persecution from the world by the leadership of the Antichrist (Daniel 7:25; Revelation 13:7). Persecution will come from all directions; there will not be anywhere in this world where we will not face opposition. But we mustn't let persecution discourage us or prevent us from boldly preaching the gospel to the world. We should use the attacks as fuel to drive us to preaching even more boldly and loudly. Jesus called us to be the salt of the earth (read Matthew 5:13). Why be salt? Salt does two things: it perserves and irritates. We should perserve the truth and as we preach the message will irritate the world.

So let us not be discouraged, but use the attacks of the enemy as fuel to preach and stand up for truth with more boldness. And remember to stay salty!

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