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The Full Story

Mission of Lions of Fire

The mission of Lions of Fire is to help you better understand the Holy Bible in its entirety. I believe that learning truth shouldn't be a burdensome task but an enjoyable experience that encourages you to want more of the word of God. Lions of Fire seeks to spark the desire for truth in all people by presenting the Bible in the clearest way possible while retaining the authenticity of the scriptures.


Many people have read the Bible, but most have not studied the Bible. There is a difference between reading and studying the Bible. 2 Timothy 2:15 tells us to study the word to show ourselves approved unto God. This means that we have to carefully look at the scriptures we are reading, think about them thoughtfully and prayerfully, and compare them with other scriptures. Throughout the Bible you will see many scriptures that say the same thing or similar, thereby confirming each other. Having more than one scripture proves that it is not just a book made up of fantasy stories but real-life accounts of past and future events.


Studying the Bible does not have to be hard. You do not have to go to theologian school or be a Bible scholar in order to understand the Bible. Regardless of your level of education, you can understand the Bible in ways that you wouldn't think possible. But always remember that with God, all things are possible; Matthew 19:26.


Thank you for visiting Lions of Fire. Let's study the Bible together!



Bible reference: Unless otherwise stated, all scripture quotations are from the Holy Bible,

King James Version.

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